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tv   ABC7 News Weekly  ABC  March 5, 2011 11:35pm-12:00am EST

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in libya, there is an abundance of fear. the government appears to be on the brink. >> today, another town false. the rebels say the march towards tripoli is unstoppable. >> the town that fell to the rebels today is home to one of
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libya's largest refineries. this person claimed that they brought down a warplane. for the rebellion, the road gets harder from here. tripoli is 250 miles further on. rebel forces will need reinforcement, weapons, and ammunition and more support if they hope to take the capital. gaddafi has showed little restraint using force. today, an assault by force is west of tripoli. dozens of tanks and heavy weapons moved into the city to crush the rebellion.
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the rebels say they still controlled the town. house should the wwhite respond to the crisis? what role will women play in the future of the country? politico's mike allen brings us a preview. >> joining me is the host of "this week's." welcome back from tripoli. the president is going to address this. >> president obama has put himself front and center. he has said publicly he needs to step down. what does that mean? he may have to figure a way to negotiate an exit for gaddafi were taking him out some other way, but when the president says a leader should step down, presumably there has to be
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follow-through. we will discuss that on the program this week. this is an enormous opportunity for the united states. we have been asking the west when will this part of the world rise up and seek democracy. . this is where the president of the net is states, western leaders can help with the transition. already, the u.s. pace tons of money to many of these countries. now it needs to direct that assistance into the civil society, the democracy building, trying to help without dictating, without sending funds, helping with the transition. so they do not get hijacked in ways that go to a dictatorship. we will have an extraordinary panel on sunday of activist women from egypt, iran, and
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elsewhere, talking about the fighting. what happens to women will determine what happens to the society in general. then we will talk about domestic news, talk about the jobs situation and politics, and we will have all of that on the program this week. >> i cannot believe the top of the show, live from tripoli. i wonder what you remember the most. >> it is extraordinary to interview mubarak days before he stepped down, get the first direct word he would step down. then to find the eccentric and reclusive gaddafi in libya, his take, somewhat divorced of reality. it has been extraordinary. the take i have is that one could view what is going on around the middle east as a major jumping off point, a major opportunity.
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that will make their alliance with the united states that much more stable. i believe this is an historic moment that we in the west cannot afford to let slip through our fingers based on fear of what may come. beyond that, in my program, i have tried to bring this intersection of world politics with domestic politics, and really explored the intersection of how the world affects the united states and how the united states affects the world and how it all ties together. whether it is the economy, jobs, all of this is global, and we need to understand that to make the best of this and move forward. >> thank you for joining us. >> thank you.
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"this week" on abc 7 at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. d.c. officials are trying to step up recycling in the district. starting this week, more than 350 recycling bins are being placed downtown. this id will collect more than 1 million pounds of recycling per year that would have otherwise it wound up in the trash. city leaders are considering cashing in on the success of the hottest lunch hour trend, or may food trucks. they're looking at possibly imposing 10% prepared food tax on food sold by mobile vendors. right now they charged only $1,500 per year in lieu of taxes. >> it does not necessarily hurt us, because the customer pays the tax.
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i think there is more of a psychological factor there. >> the d.c. council could consider that this spring. fairfax county police are on the hunt for aggressive drivers. the county is launching a month- long crackdown that runs until the end of march. the campaign will focus on major roads, including highways, route 28, route 50, and parts of i 66. last year officers issued more than 700 tickets. coming up -- >> it felt like i was on fire. >> new help for sleep deprived parents trying to get babies to sleep. >> science-fiction meets romance. i will have to weaken the best bets. -- i will have to weaken the best bets.
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>> temperatures near 60 degrees today. now we have a lot of rain tomorrow.
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[ male announcer ] nature is unique... ...authentic... ...pure... and also delicious. ♪ like nature valley. granola bars made with cruncnc oats and pure honey. because natural is not only good, it also tastes good. nature valley -- 100% natural. 100% delicious. from air wick, a choice of elegant spring fragrances
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like white lily and orchid, to brighten up your world. add a touch of pure sophistication to your home, with the new limited edition white collection from air wick. this is an issue that played almost every new parent, the baby's cry ringing out in the middle of the night. more parents are turning to baby whisperer for help. cynne simpson reports.
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>> it is a familiar sound to every new parent, one that can drive them wild. >> it felt like i was on fire. >> this video shows that he sleeps sometimes, but it is erratic. >> you will do whatever it is to comfort the baby. the next thing you know, they're getting up five times a night. >> an increasing number of parents are turning to baby whisperers for help. they create customized plans and hold their hands through the process. business is booming. >> just climbing. >> she is helping teach how to get the baby to sleep. >> it is a skill most people don't know. >> infants need to suit themselves to sleep and parents should not answer every cry. >> sometimes they will sooth
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themselves. >> that was a person i could talk to that could set up a structure. ok, this did not work, let me read some chapters. in addition to all the school work. >> the sleep improved drastically and she is hopeful that he follows his big brother's lead. >> he is so much happier when he sleeps well. >> cynne simpson, abc 7 news. what ab baby whisperwe has a different method, the key to success is a consistency. she recommends setting up a routine and sticking to it. straight ahead, the east coast. best hospitalized after a suicide attempt. --
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get fios. a network ahead. the so called it east coast rapist is hospitalized after an apparent suicide attempt. he is expected to survive. he was arrested friday afternoon. investigators say dna evidence ties him with several attacks in our region dating back to 1997. friends and family are mourning a maryland teenager killed overnight. it just after midnight, a vehicle was driving in accokeek
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when another vehicle ran a stop sign and crashed into it. the 19 year-old passenger was killed. two other teenaged girl suffered life-threatening injuries. charges are pending. is not easy on metro this weekend, passengers dealing with closures and delays while major track work is completed. five stations on the orange line between stadium armory and carrolton are closed and a portion of the blue line between stadium armory and benning road are also closed. metro is providing shuttle bus service. passengers should add 20 minutes to their commute. the cherry blossoms will of arrived earlier than usual. the blossoms will be at their best from march 29 to april 3. this year's festival runs from march 26 until april 10. for the first time, the festival will charge $5 entry to the
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japanese fair on april 9. i cannot wait. i have spring fever. >> it is popping up on. much everything now. the extended outlook, temperatures in the 50's. cloudy skies, rain off to the west. temperature of 55 degrees at the airport at this hour, the wind out of the south at 13. a high today, 13. 52 degrees, more than likely the low temperature overnight. the record, 831976. -- the record 83, 1976. no rain to speak of in the district, but that will change this time tomorrow night. 56 degrees children's hospital. one of the south at 10-15.
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flood watch off to the west and north, frederick county at midnight. i have a feeling this entire area will be under some sort of flood advisory by this time tomorrow night. but the satellite radar, rain pushing and from the west. heavier rain tomorrow morning into the afternoon, looked at the snow. my mom sent me a text message from detroit, 3 inches of snow on the ground. the back end of the system moves in quickly, clearing skies for the day monday. a lot of rain moving our way. look at the war, and down the east coast. it colder off to the north and west. heavy rains alive in the late tomorrow into the afternoon and evening, clearing nicely for the day monday. how much rain?
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heavier off to the west, reagan national airport just over an inch. that could be the big difference with the rain deficit. 47-52 overnight, patchy fog. no travel delays. at 1-2 inches of rain by the evening, highs in the 50's. the temperatures holding in the 50's for the upcoming work and school week. after tomorrow, the next best chance of rain is thursday, highs in the mid-50s. amazing how we have turned the corner from the bitter cold to the more comfortable weather. >> we can always get a cold blast. [ male announcer ] the network.
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11:57 pm
two big stars hit the big screen with a new thriller. arch campbell has his review. >> "the adjustment bureau" combines a science fiction with romance and big stars matt damon and emily. it turns out well. >> i know, i am sorry. >> who was that? >> they feel a profound
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attraction, but the guys in charge do not want this to happen because it violates space. based on a story by the science fiction through, the film includes an neat tricks, such as a shortcut doors. three stars, pg-13, not the usual thing.
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have a nice weekend, everybody. i am arch campbell, abc 7 entertainment. it is time to meet a future star. toight we've are introduced a senior basketball player, the athlete of the week. >> audrey dotson is a two-sport varsity athlete. her heart is on the hardwood. >> i have been with it longer. >> the 6 foot 1 inch center help them capture the title this season, scoring 30 points in the final. but scoring good grades is her top priority. about one passed ball is over, getting a real job is very important to me. >> she will play at bucknell university in the fall and is ready for the challenge. >> hopefully jus


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